Investigation of traffic interventions for the redevelopment of the perimetric ring road of Sparta city center

The object of this study is the investigation of traffic interventions in the context of the redevelopment of the perimetric ring road that is being implemented in the center of Sparta. More specifically, various alternatives for the area under consideration were investigated to identify the best proposed solution to be implemented.

Main actions include:

  • Mapping of the current situation
  • Data collection through field measurements (traffic loads, turn volumes, traffic composition, pedestrian flows, bicycle flows, parking supply/ demand/ turnover)
  • Development of the proposed solution after consideration of alternative scenarios
    • Vehicle flow and directions (boundary lines)
    • Pedestrian flow
    • On –street parking
    • Horizontal and vertical signage
    • Geometric configurations (indicative cut sections)
    • Photorealistic illustrations (in indicative cut sections)
  • Documentation and conclusions for the evaluation of the overall solution


Anaptixiaki Parnona SA – – Development Organization of Local Government.